Welcome To: Heaven's Therapeutic Massage In Frankfort, Illinois!
Research has proven that a massage is to the human body as a tune up is to a car. Massage is beneficial at any age and for a variety of conditions. There are many benefits to getting a massage. Massage can:
Alleviate low back pain and improve range of motion.
Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow, the body`s natural defense system.
Exercise and stretch weak and tight or atrophied muscles.
Increase joint flexibility.
Lessen depression and anxiety.
Pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation.
Reduce spasms and cramping.
Relax and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles.
Help athletes at any level to prepare for and recover from strenuous workouts.
I believe in natural healing. Through massage therapy I offer therapeutic healing to Mind, Body, and Soul.
I do this through Relaxation, Stress Relief, Sports Massage, Medical Massage, Reflexology and Prenatal Massage.